Teaching History through Game-Based Playful Learning


Playful Learning and Game-Based Playful Learning is earning its merits across the curriculum, as a great way to inspire children to see new knowledge through play. Learning through play is a way for children to increase their knowledge of a subject, but also to develop their 21st-century skills through collaboration.

Playful Learning have shown to create more meaning for children, make them engage more actively in what they are pursuing and develop their social skills. Using Game-Based Playful Learning during class have shown to influence at-risk students, who have had problems fitting in socially with the rest of the class. These students have had positive social experiences with their peers through online collaboration.

One of the goals when teaching history to pupils is to makes them reflect on their own and others history. By using a local environment which they traverse most days, or at least have the possibility to do se, I hope to make them reflect on the history of where they are growing up.

My question of examination was:

How does one plan, implement, evaluate and develop a course about local history through principles from Game-Based Playful Learning, where the students work with Minecraft and video editing?

Enjoy reading.

Kind regards,
